Scripts Bundle A bunch of scripts I happened to "make" that might be useful to someone else. Maybe. Perhaps... Detailled instructions on how to use each one below. Most require Python at least. Anton's Animation Tool Updated & Anton's Behavior Creator Related to both of Anton's mods, which are pretty old by now. First one is an update to his scripts, since they didn't work for the latest blender version. Second is just an aid to write the behavior text file; note that it won't help you understand what to write, it'll just write what you tell it to... Bip00 to Human Requires pyffi (pip install pyffi) A script that interacts with nif files. It'll change the names of ninodes of a certain format to that of a human skeleton. Used it to port models with the bone naming "Bip01". Works in batch. It may miss some bones that don't have an equivalent in the human skeleton or just that I haven't encountered myself. Th...