[Schaken-Mods] Mystical Mage (HDT + 3BAv2 Options)
https://ift.tt/3kEQpOo [Schaken-Mods] Mystical Mage (HDT + 3BAv2 Options)
There is 3 texture sets.
There is 3BA options.
There is 4 pieces:
- Skirt
- Bra
- Bracers
- Staff
You can craft this at a Tanning rack using Leather, and Leather Strips.
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My favorite part about having a Video Game. ITS NOT REAL! If this mod offends you and makes you panic and hate me forever, then simply pretend it doesnt exist, and dont download it. I do not force anyone to download these mods. It is up to you to decide if you want it or not. If you do want this mod, then click the download, and install. Please forward your complaints and hate mail to: NoOneCares@Schaken-Mods.com We will be glad to file these complaints in the proper trash can with all the others.
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