Physical Dodge VR by Wolfman5750 Physical Dodge VR by Wolfman5750

THIS IS NOT MY MOD! open posting permissions given at original listing by Wolfman5750 and as such i cannot provide official support please see original listing for support options. 

Mod Description
Why use a button press or hotkey in VR to dodge your enemies when you can use your body to dodge your attacker? Well now you can!!! This mod allows you to initiate a slow time effect and a couple of i-frames by physically moving your body in VR. Three methods to trigger dodging are included that can accommodate any size playspace.

What's Included
Dodging is a slow time effect with a few i-frames right at the beginning. It can be triggered three ways with weapons drawn:
Sides Step Quickly - Step to one side quickly.
Juke / Feint - i.e. move right a little then suddenly change direction and move left.
Duck - Quickly crouch down far enough to activate sneak

Once slow time is activated, you can either physically move or use the joystick to get out of the way of the attack.

All parameters are editable in the ini, including how long time is frozen, how long time takes to ramp back up, and how long the i-frames last.

Also included in the ini are:
Option to specify stamina cost for dodging (off by default)
Option to restrict dodging to combat only (off by default)
Load Order and Installation

This mod requires:
Skyrim VR Tools
Auto Sneak and Jump VR (Required to initiate a dodge by ducking)

This Plugin mostly contains new records, so it shouldn't conflict with anything. The only exception is audio mods. I have removed the slow time sound effect, so make sure that my plugin loads below any audio mods or their patches.

Recommended/Complimentary Mods

Here are some additional mods that will help your dodging experience:
Retimed Hit Frames: This can be activated inside of Nemesis directly
Mortal Enemies: Or similar mod that adds some kind of attack commitment. Also check out the ME Synthesis Patcher.
Speed and Reach Fixes: This changes the hitboxes for weapons to more closely match their models. Also check out the Speed and Reach Fixes Synthesis Patcher

Known Issues/Weirdness

Slow Time Audio - I was really trying to make the dodge slow time effect feel like they do in native VR games. I don't think I achieved this, but I got as close as I could. To do this, I had to ramp the slow time effect back to normal speed after stopping it initially, I couldn't get this to work using normal spells, so adjusted the magnitude of the slow time effect over time through skse. This resulting in an obnoxious buzzing noise from this sound effect. Turns out the slow time effect sounds are hard coded, so the only way to fix this was to remove that sound from the game entirely. I hope at some point I can find another way to get around this sound effect.

Can I merge the plugin?
No, this mod (and most mods containing an skse dll) cannot be merged. That will break the mod.

Special Thanks

All the Skyrim VR Modders for their help and support:
Blazeyboyyy, frazaman, Prog0111, Rallyeator, Shizof, TheCangar1, and FlyingParticle

Special thanks to Pro


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