Jessica Child of the Wasteland VR
Ok, Everyone knows Jessi by now.
This is my take on her with permission from RadoGamer, OG Author.
I spent some time a while back and cleaned out
all the unused meshes, textures and material files.
I got rid of the vanilla outfits and made her a custom outfit
based on my CrimsonPunk outfit.
That's what it is, but its custom built to her body.
I have moved her from Bunker Hill to Sanctuary,
you can find her after leaving the vault in the house
with the workbench.
One issue I have had is even though I moved her location,
if you dismiss her before you set her "home" with AFT or something
similar, she will return to Bunker Hill.
I don't' know how mods that affect the area might influence her,
I don't' use any mods like that myself.
If you find an issue find me on Discord and I will see what I can do about it.
This mod is RadoGamer's mod, it belongs to him, but I acquired permission
to post it here with my alterations, and since it has assets that I made,
it belongs on
Schaken-Mods only
Do not post anywhere else.
If you enjoy the mod, give thanks and credit to RadoGamer.
He is on Schaken-Mods site.
This version is for FO4 VR, it will not work for normal FO4.
Here is a link to FO4 version.
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