Better Vampires - Custom Races Fix
This is a simple fix that is so simple, I am ashamed of my fellow modders for not already making this.
Simple instructions:
There is a quest called "Duplicate me" - yes.. make a duplicate of this in your mod.
in your duplicate, go to the alias tab, then player, then edit properties on the script.
there are 2 race arrays, 1 for normal races, the other is for vampire races.
Add your custom normal race(s) to the normal race array.
Add your custom VAMPIRE race(s) to the Vampire race array in the same order.
click save. go play.
For modders:
so why have we not considered using a Formlist? We list a shit ton of races and make a paragraph worth of scripting instead of using the "While" command.
Please look over my source that i included for you. it is so simple, you will laugh. I made a playerAlias script so when the game loads, it will scan the formlist and see if the races are already added. if not, it will simply add them. every custom race mod can just make a simple copy and they can run, super-fast, super-easy.
YES, you can include this "Duplicate Me" quest into your mod. though it will require this mod until the author of Better Vampires discovers this, which since I released the source, I'm sure the code will end up in that mod, and since nexus is scared of me, I can't exactly message them openly.
To the Author of Better Vampires.
Yes... you can take this and put it in your mod. just give credit to me for the assist and a link, then it is all yours.
You are welcome.
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