Renata The Ruthless Standalone Follower CBBE, UNPB, ESP ESL-flagged FOMOD. Custom Armor, marriage, essential. Nord. Single, dual, 2H, red crystal bow firebolt archer. Located in Ivarstead. Renata The Ruthless Lolita Living in Ivarstead, Renata awaits the dragonborn, but there is a problem. She has locked all her weapons in a chest across the road from Valimyr Inn and has lost the key. Once you pick the lock for her, you can choose the weapons that she should have to help in your journeys. Options are 2 swords for dual wield, sword and shield, 2H greatsword, and red crystal bow. 2000 firebolt arrows are already in her inventory. Be sure to remove the default hunting bow. Also, parts of her armor can be removed for a more sexy look or just all out warrior the way she is. Note: Vambraces will be ebony, not red like the pics. (Vambrace will bleed through if using shiel...