Starfield Batch Files Starfield Batch Files



Read Note at the the Bottom before use
The Kitchen Sink of bat files:


Add/Remove Player Background

Add/Remove Player Traits

Ammo (1000 Rounds each)

Aurora (5 units of it)

Chems (100 units of each)

Meds (Healing Med Packs: 100 units each)

Digipicks (100 units)

Inorganic (Mined Minerals: 100 units each)

Organic (Plant and Animal based materials: 100 units each)

Magazines (All Skill Mags placed at you, pick up to get skill perks) 

Money (1 Million Credits)

Mass (Player Carry Weight increase to 10000)

NPCMerch (Increase merchant credits by 100000 Select merchant npc while in console to use)

PerkPoints (Adds 5 perk points to spend)

Perks (adds or increases level of all perk tree perks run 4 times to max them out perk missions still trigger so you will see them pop up)

RemovePerks (Removes all perks no matter the perk level)

Powers (All Temple Powers run 10x to max them out)

RemoveBounty (Removes Bounty)

XP (adds 5000 Experience points)

Resistance (Increases Suit, pack, and helm damage and elemental resistance)

Weapons (adds one of each gun weapon you select to your inventory)

Spacesuits (adds one of each spacesuit you select to your inventory)

Backpack (adds one of each pack you select to your inventory)

Helmets (adds one of each Helmet you select to your inventory Have not added the names to this yet so it is a crap shoot best to add all if you want a certain one and sell the rest)


To use these below add this to your starfieldcustom.ini


sStartingConsoleCommand=bat IHR; bat ISD; bat ISLD; bat ISTD

IHR = Increased Hand Scanner Range base range (aka Highlighted distance set to 150)

ISD = Increased Hand Scanner Range (Actual Scanner Scan Distance set to 510m)

ISLD = Increased Space Loot Distance (Distance required to loot dropped cargo and materials set to 5000)

ISTD = Ship Item Transfer Distance (Default set to 2500)


NOTE: most Batch files that have a lot in them like the armor, clothing, weapons and ammo or used to reset player traits or background have the lines commented out and will not run as is you must select what you want from that list and remove the semicolon in

front of the command done to prevent a massive inventory overload and so you only spawn in what you want and make it easier for users to 




Disclaimer (Click Here)

My favorite part about having a Video Game. ITS NOT REAL! If this mod offends you and makes you panic and hate me forever, then simply pretend it doesnt exist, and dont download it. I do not force anyone to download these mods. It is up to you to decide if you want it or not. If you do want this mod, then click the download, and install. Please forward your complaints and hate mail to: We will be glad to file these complaints in the proper trash can with all the others.



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