Isa Coldheart Follower Isa Coldheart Follower

ESL flagged. Uses whatever body mod you have installed. Located in Riverwood and mean as a rattle snake.




Isa Coldheart


"The difference between me and that I'm not you."


Isa has been dismissed from the Battleborns for her arrogance, disloyalty, and rebellious attitude.


She was also stripped of her armor and sent out without any clothes to shame her.


Isa spent a week in the Whiterun jail for nudity and they gave her some rags to wear. Mostly because they couldn't stand to look at her.


After her release and bitter about the Battleborns she went to Riverwood.


Story? No, not really. There is no history for a legacy that has just begun.....





She looks mean because she is mean. Nothing cute about this one.


Location: Riverwood lumber yard

Age: 34

Voice type: Commander
Race: Nord
Weight: .50, Height: 100 (Athletic)
Marriage: Yes
Level: 10 to Infinity
Perks: Two-handed, Archery, Block, Heavy Armor, & Sneak

All abilities reflect her skills.


*Be sure to give some good armor.*


Note: Isa Coldheart utilizes Default format, meaning she will accept whatever body mod one has installed into their game.  This means Isa Coldheart is 100% compatible with all body mods & beyond.  It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to have a body mod of some type installed for best results.


*Outfits shown are for display only.*







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