Rebecca ESL Rebecca ESL

Rebecca is based on Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil: Vendetta. I'm still honing my sculpting skills, so she's not perfect. You can call her Rebecca Anti-Chambers.


Fair warning: She's quite powerful. The idea was to experiment with perks in the CK, and I may have perked her a little excessively.

EDIT: I uploaded an optional plugin that makes her less powerful. She'll rely more on her sword at lower levels, and I added a flame cloak spell. Copy and paste to replace the original plugin / install with manager and overwrite.

-  She levels with the player, and she's a fire freak. Very good at burning things. Now and then she'll use her sword, but she prefers to be an arsonist. 
-  Her weight is set to 50
-  You can marry her if you want but she'll probably burn your food.
-  She's wearing an outfit made up of parts from Ashara Princess of the Woods.
-  She has a sword called Rebecca's Swordbreaker.
-  She's located in the Sleeping Giant Inn (I know I know! It's full of followers! I'm working on a house for my two existing followers and any future ones. It's taking     longer than expected... life interferes with Skyrim time.)

-  She's standalone, so nothing else is needed.
 ESP-FE, for the plugin-limit challenged.
-  High Poly Head. 
-  CBBE Body.
-  Bijin 4K "Wet" skin.



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