Clocwork Tot Casual Bot - CBBE and CBBE 3BA - HDT-SMP Clocwork Tot Casual Bot - CBBE and CBBE 3BA - HDT-SMP

Some relaxing casual wear for your favourite Bot

Moving textures and Machinery chains - absolute style and comfort


This outfit has a LOT of HDT-SMP ... almost everything has a dangly effect and moves.

Skirt + Shirt + Arm / Leg Accessories can be combined at the crafting station to a single equip item.

This Ensemble piece should solve any slot incompatabilities as well as improve performance


Fully craftable / temperable / enchantable / smeltable

Heavy / Light / Cloth variants 


Supports both CBBE and CBBE (3BBB) - if there is any issues with the CBBE pls let me know and I will fix it ASAP.


Will definately require Bodyslide and FSMP





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