Cinderella Standalone Follower Cinderella Standalone Follower

ESL flagged. CBBE. Located in Solitude.





A tale of woes





"Ooooh, that stepmother of mine, mend the clothes, make new dresses, clean the toilet, scrub the floors, you're not worthy of a prince.
That woman would be the death of me and my ugly stepsisters think they are the cats meow. Who do they think they are? There's no fairy godmother in Skyrim. What am I to do? Ahhh, I know, I will go to the Blue Palace and plead my case to Elisif The Fair. She will understand."



Off she went and that's where you can find her. She will be in her ragged clothes but when you ask her to follow, she will dawn her pretty ball gown. That would be minus the pumpkin carriage and six white horses.


You're probably wondering, what is Cinderella doing in Skyim? And who is this prince looking to snag on a beautiful girl?



I know. But no one wants a girl in rags. Wrap her up in fried bacon and even the dogs will want some of that action.


Can she fight? You bet and more. Nothing gets this girl down. Not even her evil stepmother, who by the way, stole a bunch of her savings to go to the ball. Dang those Thalmor!


Location: Solitude, The Blue Palace


Sorry, no glass slippers, they don't exist. Whoever thought glass slippers.... really? Glass? Fairy? Pumpkins? Naw. Let's get real. That's for little girls in little curls with big imaginations. Go buy a doll. She will like that better.






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