
Showing posts from July, 2022

Octavia Mistress of Magic, Standalone Imperial Mage Follower Octavia Mistress of Magic, Standalone Imperial Mage Follower This is my mage follower I made. Her name is Octavia.She is level 80 and knows most spells and has a few custom spells herself. She is Right outside the entrance to riverwood where the guards sleeping bags are . Requires Cbbe 3bbb, Ks Hairdos, and the micro bikini by Xuniana  it is an oldrim mod but it easily ports to AE just download and install in your mod manager. I have permission from the mod author to use it If you have any questions or problems with the mod feel free to contact me

TeenDolls Race Fixes TeenDolls Race Fixes Just a tiny update to Sassy Teen Dolls, which has long been a must have staple in my load order.  There are a couple small things that always tweaked my OCD brain, and I finally decided to actually save a zip of the changes in a formal mod for a change.  All this does is bring all of the race abilities and perks of the teen races in line with the adult vanilla races, and only effects about half of them anyway, as the rest were fine already.  I didn't touch any of the weird, non-canon races as I never use them anyway, so your on your own there.

Serpent Sounds Main Menu Music Replacer

Image Serpent Sounds Main Menu Music Replacer Thanks for checking out my mod guys Watch the video to get a preview     Installation: Use Mod Manager Requirements: Base Game Load/ Mod Order: Place this after any mod which modifies the Main menu

Marie Bell - Mechromancer Armor Only - CBBE & BHUNP

Image Marie Bell - Mechromancer Armor Only - CBBE & BHUNP A couple folks have expressed a desire for the armor - sans extras So uploading armor only (the bracers do still have the very overpowered enchant) Both CBBE and BHUNP versions are available - relevant body type is of course required along with Bodyslide to build meshes   All craftable / temperable / enchantable Heavy items at the Forge, Light and Cloth at the Tanning Rack  

Greentop Nursery REPAIRED

Image Greentop Nursery REPAIRED Thanks for checking out my mod guys The Following video tells you pretty much all you need to know about what I did to this settlement       This mod requires the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch ESPFE Cleaned and Pre-Vis fixed with Xedit    

Marie Bell Breguet - Mechromancer - Standalone Follower - Outfit CBBE(3BBB)

Image Marie Bell Breguet - Mechromancer - Standalone Follower - Outfit CBBE(3BBB) One of the cutest little troublemakers ...  an interesting follower .. with a passion for mechanical toys ..   Comes with a custom outfit and some very unreliable magick .. as well as a matched pair of daggers also with interesting effects.   She can be found admiring the Skyforge in Whiterun - probably wondering if she can make her toys a little more over powered   She does use the Default Child Voice (perfect for mischeif makers) - so probably will need Relationship Dialogue Overhaul and Nethers Follower Framework  

Even More Makeup by Koralina - ESL Even More Makeup by Koralina - ESL Soo why another makeup mod? Well, I'm better skilled in Photoshop painting now and I was playing with new brushes. Also, I treat this mod as my personal resource. My next NPCs will use it for sure, as I prepared certain overlays for selected NPCs. I also think it is comprehensive and useful enough to publish it for other modders or just players who want to have a huge choice of makeup.  But I still recommend using Koralina's Makeup Tweaks - 4k 2k if you like eyeliners.  

Koralina's Mystic Eyes Koralina's Mystic Eyes Adds 11 hand-painted eye colors with one basic and three unique iris configurations. 44 files included.   The eyes are all hand-painted. I haven't used any resources that are not my own when creating the textures. This mod is compatible with everything. It is not a replacer, you will not encounter any problems if installed correctly. I recommend tweaking iris placement in RaceMenu, you know - height, size and this kind of stuff.   

Koralina's Eyebrows for High Poly Head Koralina's Eyebrows for High Poly Head Adds 11 female standalone eyebrows with normal maps for each one. Use only with High Poly Head.   The eyebrows are all hand-painted. I haven't used any resources that are not my own when creating the textures. There are two versions, HQ is 2048x1024 and the normal one is 1024x512. Textures were painted in higher resolution, so this version is recommended.   This mod is made to work only with High Poly Head. The textures are high quality so using them with vanilla meshes makes not much sense. Every eyebrow texture has its own normal map which makes it look more 3D and not so flat (it's just light-bump work, not 3D object). I recommend tweaking eyebrows placement in RaceMenu, you know - angle, slope, thickness, and this kind of stuff. 

Koralina's Makeup Tweaks - 4k 2k - ESL Koralina's Makeup Tweaks - 4k 2k - ESL Adds 31 RaceMenu makeup overlays in 4k or 2k. Includes eyeliners, eyeshadows, and blushes. Feel free to use this in your mods without asking for permission.   Installation: Manually or with your mod manager Compatibility: Should be compatible with everything    

Koralina's Freckles and Moles - 4k 2k - ESL Koralina's Freckles and Moles - 4k 2k - ESL Adds 30 RaceMenu overlays with 4k or 2k freckles and moles in various configurations. Feel free to use this in your mods.   There are many similar mods out there but with this one you can do whatever you want. The only condition is that you ALWAYS credit me. Feel free to use this in your own presets and NPC overhauls without asking me for permission. Also earn Donation Points or sell your mods if you like.   Installation: Manually or with your mod manager Compatibility: Should be compatible with everything  

Residents of Riverwood : Female NPC Replacer

Image Residents of Riverwood : Female NPC Replacer Schaken-Mods   EXCLUSIVE ! ( Upload NOWHERE  ELSE! )   An NPC overhaul for all the female characters of Riverwood, including Camilla Valerius and Delphine (5 NPCs in total). This mod will replace all named, female NPCs and assign them new custom outfits.       Features - Original, scratch-made, high definition COR facegen replacers. - Standalone custom outfits (see credits) - Unique, custom made face and body details:  moles, freckles, etc - All textures have been optimized for SSE using Cathedral AO - 2K/4K texture option in FOMOD  - CBBE body physics, 3BA, SMP options in FOMOD - Plugins converted to ESL - Separate, optional plugins for Camilla Valerius and Delphine     What does this mod replace? - All the named, adult, female NPCs in Riverwood - Includes both Camilla Valerius and Delphine - A list of Riverwood NPCs and more info c...

Merica Merica Merica was my very first follower that I ever shared publicly.   Merica (pronounced Muh Ree Kah) is not one to take a fight lightly, she is one tough chick and she does not cower.  Merica comes from a family of warriors that from their first steps begin training in brutal combat she has mastered the art of archery and dual wielding blades. Growing up fighting for her life alongside her sisters, she battled anything and everything there was, untill she heard of the return of the dragons. Never having faced such an opponent she decided to leave her home and search out the Dragonborn to fight by his side to rid the world of the most dangerous enemy of all. She will use any armor and weapons you give her, she comes with a Daedric Bow and uses it very well, she is also very deadly with dual daggers. She has been tested in game in small battles and in mid sized battles, and leaves a trail of bodies behind her. Yes she is OP if that bothers you move...

Camilla Valerius Replacer by Hound740 Camilla Valerius Replacer by Hound740 Hello. This is my Camilla Valerius Replacer. I just put more make up , changed the eyes, gave her a different hairstyle and put a bikini on her. It is just a simple mod. I know I made her look like a streetwalker and it probably breaks immersion, so if you don't want to download it is okay. Requires Ks Hairdos,FemaleMakeup Suite, Eyes of Beauty, cbbe body , and Micro Bikini by Xuniana(whihc is an oldrim mod but easily ports to Anniversary Edition, just download it and install w/your mod manager). Thanks for Xuniana for letting me use their Bikini in my mods. Okay have fun if, you are having any problems with the mod please let me know

Fishers Landing in Far Harbour Fishers Landing in Far Harbour Just a little something for the builders out there and a new land ready to be built on for those who do not care for the vanilla settlements REPORT ABUSE

Luxury SwimWear

Image Luxury SwimWear Luxury SwimWear Join   Schaken Mods   click here Created by Seetruck-2000   Luxury SwimWear    SwimWear for your fun times in Skyrim               Luxury SwimWear comes in 12 color styles   Must create Outfits in Bodyslide to use in Game   The clothes are set up for 3BA but should work with CBBE           Skyrim SE or AE Bodyslide and Outfit Studio 3BA and its requirements  

Clockwork Tot Origins - ALL in one - Guns, Robot Girls, Armor, Magic, CBBE (3BBB)

Image Clockwork Tot Origins - ALL in one - Guns, Robot Girls, Armor, Magic, CBBE (3BBB) Everything I have made .. in one single downoad - one single plugin file The only optional extra left as such is the DAR animations for 1st person gunplay  provides the "sniper" type animations used in the DAR patch  the patch simply restricts these animations to the scoped rifle - leaving everything else to use vanilla anims in 1st person - close to "hip fire"   The door to the workshop is in same place .. almost hidden by the rubble/rocks that Whiterun is built on  

CLEAN Starlight Drive In

Image CLEAN Starlight Drive In Thanks for checking out my mod guys The video tells you everything about this mod     Not much to explain really Cleaned the place all up and replaced the Projector house with a fixed version   Mod requires Unofficial  Fallout 4 Patch and GOTY 

georgebache a warrior follower SE georgebache a warrior follower SE she is in sleeping giant, she fight similar to lydia, she is cbbe and essential. she is imperial race

georgebache a warrior follower georgebache a warrior follower she is in the sleeping giant, she is like something lydia, she is cbbe and is imperial race. exclusive mod only in schaken papa

Ichirou Luscious Lingerie

Image Ichirou Luscious Lingerie   A lingerie Outfit with a proper belly only corset has 3BAv2 bodyslide Files Proper Corset for belly only (No real distortions from the breast sliders) Is ESPFE plugin format Use AddItemMenu or Qui to obtain   Build in bodyslide prior to use in game or body will be invisible       Disclaimer (Click Here) My favorite part about having a Video Game. ITS NOT REAL! If this mod offends you and makes you panic and hate me forever, then simply pretend it doesnt exist, and dont download it. I do not force anyone to download these mods. It is up to you to decide if you want it or not. If you do want this mod, then click the download, and install. Please forward your complaints and hate mail to: We will be glad to file these complaints in the proper trash can with all the others.     Discord   ==   Schaken-ModsChat   ==   Steam   ...

GODMEAT - Good Boy Dogmeat (newest version - JULY 2022)

Image GODMEAT - Good Boy Dogmeat (newest version - JULY 2022) Hey thanks for checking out the mod guys Watch the video to learn more       I had previously released a version of this mod in pieces but that was before I learned how to do a FOMOD This version contains a Husky Version of Dogmeat This version is somewhat more OP than the previous version. I increased his health pool to 2000 and jacked up his perception and intelligence to the max I also added the Attack Dog Perks to him tho not sure if that works or not without the player having them. I know if you have them with the old version that Dogmeat is pretty damn good.    Updating from previous version: Uninstall the old versions before installing this one. It should be completely fine to do midgame as the plugin is named exactly the same.        

Clockwork Eyes 2 - Interesting Eyes

Image Clockwork Eyes 2 - Interesting Eyes Some more eye textures I enjoyed finding and messing abt with Off memory is approx 20 eyes in this mod from various packs - I just picked out the most interesting that caught my attention (I have a very short attention span .. and A D oh shiny! ... means I often forget what I was doing or meant to do)   I do hope some of these might bring some fun or cuteness to your game! Enjoy! Clockwork Tot

Crusader of Dibella - Enforcing Love - High Poly Follower - CBBE

Image Crusader of Dibella - Enforcing Love - High Poly Follower - CBBE Dibella's Crusader - found in the Temple at Markath Probably very over powered melee support / tank - certainly interesting :):) comes with custom armor buildable in bodyslide   Ideally only requirements are: CBBE (3BBB) and High Poly Head ..  

Residents of Riverwood : Male NPC Replacer

Image Residents of Riverwood : Male NPC Replacer Schaken-Mods   EXCLUSIVE ! ( Upload NOWHERE  ELSE! )   An NPC overhaul for all the male characters of Riverwood, including both Ralof and Hadvar (9 NPCs in total). This mod will replace all named, male NPCs and assign them new custom outfits.       Features - Original, scratch-made, high definition COR facegen replacers. - Standalone custom outfits (Apachii Divine Elegance) - A few custom made face details: scalp tattoo, moles, freckles, scars - All default textures are 2K and have been optimized for SSE using Cathedral AO - 4K option in FOMOD for diffuse face textures - Plugin has been converted to ESL     What does this mod replace? - All the named, adult, male NPCs in Riverwood - Includes both Ralof and Hadvar (determined by civil war questline choices) - A list of Riverwood NPCs and more info can be found   here       W...

Kurone Racemenu 3BBB Preset 2.0 Kurone Racemenu 3BBB Preset 2.0 I DID NOT MAKE THIS MOD!!!    Kurone gave me permission to dig up her active and deleted stuff and indicated that they would either not be returning to Skyrim any time soon.     These are some more bodyslide and racemenu preset.  This one includes the famous boobas bodyslide!   Quote   Face Preset and CBBE BodyTexture/3BBBB The Eyes of Beauty SSE For eyes, I use The Eyes of Beauty SSE. Yundao Hair with physics SSE I use this one for hair. The other hairstyle is [Kirax] Project Vindictus series I made some special face and makeup textures for you to try if you want.     BodySlide Kurone Preset This is the default body of Kurone. BodySlide Kurone Preset Plus More Busty. Kurone Racemenu Preset If it doesn't look good, please use version 2.0.2. Kurone BijinSkin Texture Makeup, face, and body textures for BijinSkin.(Make sure you are using BijinSkin.) Kuron...

Inventory Functions by plater Inventory Functions by plater THIS IS NOT MY MOD! open posting permissions given at original listing by    " plater"  and as such i cannot provide official support please see original listing for support options.  Inventory Functions plugin for SKSE to allow filtering of inventory by Keyword.Originally by Quad2Core, now updated for SKSE-VR (including functions supporting Poisoning, and for getting filtered lists of spells/shouts an actor has) Container Inventory Functions ; Q2C's original functions, updated for SKSE64 int Function  GetNumItemsWithKeyword(ObjectReference akObjRef, Keyword akKeyword) Form Function GetNthFormWithKeyword(ObjectReference akObjRef, Keyword akKeyword, int aiItemIndex) ; added by Kalivore - type is the SKSE itemType (eg 26 for armour, or 46 for potion) ; full list at int Function  GetNumItemsOfType(ObjectReference akObjRef, int aiType) Form F...

Antifa Scum

Image Antifa Scum But why? Because why not? As usual, guys, the video tells you everything you need to know about this mod     Yep that's about it This should be compatible with anything Mod is an ESPFE  

10 Pines Bluff - Repaired & Remodeled

Image 10 Pines Bluff - Repaired & Remodeled Hey guys thanks for checking out my mod This video explains pretty much everything you need to know about this mod     Pretty straight forward   Load Order: Probably should go at or near the bottom of the Load Order   For maximum enjoyment get my MCS Workshop and Mighty Bear of Happiness mods  

No Stamina Drain For Sprinting by CanescoDev No Stamina Drain For Sprinting by CanescoDev THIS IS NOT MY MOD! open posting permissions given at original listing by  ''CanescoDev''  and as such i cannot provide official support please see original listing for support options.  No Stamina Drain For Sprinting seeks to drastically enhance the way you move around Skyrim in a lore friendly way. The goal of this mod is to make you sweat, blend into the lore, find your body balance, and feel the game for the most immersive experience possible.   A little mod assembled by CansecoDev. Because sometimes, a little change can make a big difference. Details  Removes the stamina drain from sprinting, this mod is intended for VR while using some body tracking to translate your real body movement into in-game movement, in short; if you can keep up the pace in real life, your character should too. Removes the stamina drain from sprinting, this mod is intended for VR while using some body trac...